Bruce Springsteen Live – Von seinem Zuhause in dein Zuhause / Volume 4

Am 20. Mai 2020 führte Bruce Springsteen durch seine vierte Radioshow auf SIRIUS XM E STREET RADIO. Der 70jährige moderiert wie schon am 8. April 2020, am 24. April 2020 sowie am 6. Mai 2020 eine 90minütige Sendung von seiner knapp 149 Hektar grossen Farm in Colts Neck, NJ.

Springsteen begrüsste die Zuhörer mit folgenden Worten:

„Let’s start the day by allowing me to introduce to you Little Richard Penniman.
The purest rock ’n‘ roll voice of all time. And it belongs to the Georgia Peach, the King of Rock ’n‘ Roll, Little Richard, who we lost in early May. He was one of the founding fathers of rock ’n‘ roll and its preeminent vocal genius. And there he profoundly explained, in my opinion, why and how he does what he does.
Now Richard came out of Macon, GA, to take the nation, the world, and your body and soul by storm. His art was filled with absurdity, dead seriousness, great humor, and sex, sex, sex. He is one of a handful of men who changed the face of world culture: he crossed racial boundaries, he challenged gender norms, and he had the time of his life … the High Priest of rock ’n‘ roll. A wop bop a loo bop, a wop bam boom. Rest in peace, Richard.“


Roy Acuff – „Turn Your Radio On“
Little Richard – „Born on the Bayou“
Little Richard – „Tutti Frutti“
Little Richard – „Do the Jerk (Get Down With It)“
Little Steven – „Out of the Darkness“
Glen Campbell – „Times Like These“
Future Bible Heroes – „Kiss Me Only With Your Eyes“
Magnetic Fields – „Andrew in Drag“
Courtney Barnett – „Nobody Really Cares if You Go to the Party“
Tom Waits – „Lie to Me“
The Aqua Velvets – „Return to Paia“
Marlene Dietrich – „Das Lied Ist Aus (Don’t Ask Me Why)“
Bob Dylan – „Some Enchanted Evening“
Craig Finn – „Tangletown“
Joe Ely – „Tonight I Think I’m Gonna Go Downtown“
The Pogues – „A Rainy Night in Soho“
Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers – „The Waiting“
The Hold Steady – „Stuck Between Stations“
Dion (feat. Patti Scialfa und Bruce Springsteen) – „Hymn to Him“
Big Bill Broonzy – „This Train“
Rank and File – „The Conductor Wore Black“
Bruce Springsteen – „Land of Hope and Dreams“
Warren Zevon – „Don’t Let Us Get Sick“
Pforzheim Motet Choir – Mozart’s „Ave Verum Corpus, K. 618“
Antony and the Johnsons – „Knockin‘ on Heaven’s Door“

Während der Sendung präsentierte Bruce Springsteen die drei Little Richard Songs „Born On The Bayou“ (1971), „Tutti Frutti“ (1957) sowie „Do the Jerk (Get Down With It)“ aus dem Jahre 1966. Nach der Little Steven Komposition „Out Of The Darkness“, Glen Campbells „Times Like These“ und dem Future Bible Heroes Lied „Kiss Me Only With Your Eyes“ kam Springsteen auf die Corona-Krise zu sprechen und mutmasste, dass es derzeit viele virtuelle Dates geben müsse.

„How’s that going for all you singles out there? How is Love in the Time of Corona? I am old, and I simply can’t imagine it. I mean, it’s got to be happening… but… but how? I mean, is testing going on? I guess there’s virtual dating, why wouldn’t there be? I don’t know how satisfying that can be — no physical contact, yikes! No sex, I would imagine. I guess there’s always sexting, naked selfies… they say naked selfies are ‚the new seduction.‘ I read an article that said this is the golden age of naked selfies! Hell, I may take a few myself when this show is over. Why not? Desperate times call for desperate measures.“

Natürlich erzählte Bruce Springsteen auch aus seinem eigenen Leben und bezeichnete die Covid-19-Pandemie als „harte Zeit“. „Ich fahre täglich durch meine alten Städte. Ich sehe Läden geschlossen, sehe Menschen mit Masken auf den Strassen. Ich besuche den Manasquan Inlet, doch die Strandpromenade ist geschlossen…“

„I take a daily drive, because driving has always relaxed me, and it gets me out of Patti’s hair for a while. I drive all my old routes, through all my old towns, day after day. I see all the shops shuttered, what folks there are on the street in masks, my favorite hangouts closed — takeout only, god bless ‚em. I drive out to Manasquan Inlet, my old man’s stomping grounds, to sit and watch the boats for a while. But they closed all the parking places, and the boardwalk’s closed. So I find a side street, and I sit, roll down the window, feel the ocean breeze and read the newspaper for a while.

Thirty million workers joining the jobless ranks over the last two months. That is… frightening, and heartbreaking. A day doesn’t go by when I don’t count my lucky stars, when I don’t know how profoundly fortunate I am.

So after an hour, I fold my newspaper, I start the car, and I head home. And on my way, on 79, I pass the ShopRite that I opened with the Castiles! During its midnight madness opening in 1965! We played out in front of the supermarket! And it was the only time during this day that I saw a parking lot filled with cars, and it almost brought me to tears.“

Bruce Springsteen blickt trotz aller Probleme optimistisch in die Zukunft und kann es kaum erwarten, ein Eis im „Jersey Freeze“ zu geniessen oder eine Pizza bei „Federici“ zu essen. „Ich möchte die Promenade von Point Pleasant besuchen und am Strand abhängen, bis die Abendkühle um halb Sechs oder Sechs einsetzt …“

„When this is over — and I do have faith that it’s gonna be over — I want to do the simple things again. That’s what I’ve been missing. I want to get an ice cream cone at the Jersey Freeze! To be able to walk inside, step up to the counter, and say, „Soft vanilla dipped in chocolate, please.“ I want to get a pizza with my pal, the ex-mayor of Freehold, and all my old friends down at Federici’s. I want to take in the boardwalk on a quiet weekday night in Point Pleasant. Lose some of my money at all those wheels of chance. Hang at the beach until about five-thirty or six, when the evening cool just begins to drift in and that sun is low and warm on your skin. That is my favorite time of day. Then I may head in to Red Bank and stop at Jack’s record store — stay strong, Jack! We’re lucky to have a record store in Red Bank! That’s for sure. Then maybe find a place to sit outside and have a drink, just surrounded by folks without a worry, just going about their business. Never has the mundane seemed so longingly attractive.“

Zum Abschluss der Show warnte Bruce Springsteen vor übereilten Lockerungen in der Corona Krise: „Ich weiss, dass die Leute wieder arbeiten müssen, um ihre Rechnungen zu bezahlen. Aber das Land sollte vorsichtig und verantwortungsbewusst handeln … “

„I know folks need to get back to work, need to get their bills paid, they need to feed their families… but the country should be reopened in a cautious, safe, and responsible manner. Not carelessly, in a gesture that will cost tens of thousands of lives — prodded on by a president going against his own government mandate in advising citizens to „liberate Michigan“ and „liberate Virginia.“ Frankly, that is the wrong language right now. And it pissed me off. It’s just weak and irresponsbile. It’s the gesture of a man willing to roll the dice and put the lives of those who put him into office — and their children, and their elderly friends and families — at risk. For perhaps nothing more than an election year ploy. It’s cowardly.

The toughest thing about the lockdown is the feeling of not knowing what the future holds. The feeling of your whole life being placed on hold. Time seeming to move quickly but slowly. Empty and unused time, I don’t care for — especially at 70. I’m counting my days.

And my friends, I’ve got things to do that involve me and you.
My son is 25, and he’s worried about the time that’s ticking out of his life. I feel like Muhammed Ali, who was at is prime — well, I’m in my late prime — but who was at his prime, and the years he could have spent boxing were taken away from him.

So I try to heed my deceased Aunt Ida’s advice: she always said, „Just live every day as if you’re gonna live forever.“ I like that. „Live every day as if you’re gonna live forever.“ I think she meant, greet each day on its own terms. As an opportunity for life’s possibilities. Breathe it in. Let the world open up before you, and prepare yourself to accept it in its entirety, on its own terms, with a vengeance. Well, I’m ready and I hope you are too. But right now, the waiting… is the hardest part.“

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