Die Zukunft der E Street Band …

Der amerikanische Journalist Jay Lustig vom „Star Ledger“ stellt sich die Frage, wie die E Street Band ohne Clarence Clemons weitermachen wird.

Hier ein kurzer Ausschnitt aus dem Online-Artikel:

So what can Springsteen do?
The most straightforward solution — hire another sax player — is also the most problematic. Another musician can never offer the resonance that Clemons did, just by showing up.
Some fans have brought up the prospect of Clemons’ nephew — Jake Clemons, who plays sax as well as guitar — stepping into the role. Of course, drummer Jay Weinberg, Max Weinberg’s son, filled in for his father for portions of the 2009 “Working on a Dream” tour, and that worked out well. So that’s one possibility — and one that would at least offer some sentimental uplift.

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