Feb 11 2016

Bruce Springsteen veröffentlicht Autobiografie „Born To Run“ im September 2016

Bereits im November 2009 berichtete die renommierte „New York Post“ über eine geplante Bruce Springsteen Autobiografie.

New York Post vom 4. November 2009 – Auszug:

The Boss is going to find out if he was Born to Write.
Bruce Springsteen is said to be quietly working on his autobiography. Publishing insiders are already panting for the book — even though there is no manuscript yet … weiterlesen

Heute wurde bekannt, dass die Bruce Springsteen Autobiografie den Titel „Born to Run“ tragen und am 27. September 2016 weltweit erscheinen wird. Für die Veröffentlichungsrechte soll Bruce Springsteen im Vorfeld 10 Millionen Dollar erhalten haben.

In „Born to Run“ lässt der 66jährige Rockstar seine Jugend in Freehold (New Jersey) Revue passieren. Springsteen erinnert sich ausserdem an seine Anfänge als Musiker und den Aufstieg der legendären E Street Band. Der „Simon & Schuster“ Verlag bringt das Buch in den USA, Grossbritannien, Kanada, Australien und Indien auf den Markt.

In Deutschland wird der Tatsachenbericht am 27. September 2016 in der deutschen Übersetzung bei Heyne erscheinen.

Die offizielle Pressemeldung:

Simon & Schuster is proud to announce the world-wide publication of Bruce Springsteen’s autobiography, Born to Run, which will be released internationally on September 27, 2016. The work will be published in hardcover, ebook, and audio editions by Simon & Schuster in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and India, and rights have already been sold to publishers in nine countries.
Mr. Springsteen has been privately writing the autobiography over the past seven years. He began work in 2009, after performing with the E Street Band at the Super Bowl’s halftime show.
In Born to Run, Mr. Springsteen describes growing up in Freehold, New Jersey amid the “poetry, danger, and darkness” that fueled his imagination. He vividly recounts his relentless drive to become a musician, his early days as a bar band king in Asbury Park, and the rise of the E Street Band. With disarming candor, he also tells for the first time the story of the personal struggles that inspired his best work, and shows us why the song “Born to Run” reveals more than we previously realized.
“Writing about yourself is a funny business,” Mr. Springsteen notes in his book. “But in a project like this, the writer has made one promise, to show the reader his mind. In these pages, I’ve tried to do this.”
“This is the book we’ve been hoping for,” said Jonathan Karp, publisher of Simon & Schuster. “Readers will see their own lives in Bruce Springsteen’s extraordinary story, just as we recognize ourselves in his songs.” Simon & Schuster acquired Born to Run in an exclusive submission from Mr. Springsteen’s legal representatives, Allen Grubman and Jonathan Ehrlich of the law firm Grubman Shire & Meiselas, P.C.. Simon & Schuster previously published Mr. Springsteen’s illustrated book with Frank Caruso, Outlaw Pete, in 2014.
The international publishers of Born to Run are Editions Albin Michel in France; Mondadori in Italy; Heyne in Germany; Natur & Kultur in Sweden; Spectrum in the Netherlands, Politkens in Denmark; Cappelen Damn in Norway; Otava in Finland; and Penguin Random Spain.

Mehr Infos:


Feb 7 2010

„The Progressive Political Vision of Bruce Springsteen“ – neues Buch

Am 12. März 2010 erscheint in Deutschland ein neues Buch, welches sich mit der Einflussnahme von Bruce Springsteens Musik auf die amerikanische Gesellschaft beschäftigt. Bruce Springsteen hat während seiner Karriere immer wieder versucht, seine schöpferische Kraft zu nutzen, um auf Fehler und Missstände aufmerksam zu machen. Der Autor David Masciotra hinterfragt die bekanntesten Hits des Künstlers und zieht Vergleiche mit anderen bedeutenden Werken der amerikanischen Kultur.

Der Autor:

David Masciotra machte seinen Abschluss an der St. Francis Universität in Joliet, IL. Danach schrieb er Essays für die „Herald News“, „Z Magazin“, „PopMatter“ und das „Nerve Magazin“.
Homepage des Autors: http://www.davidmasciotra.com/

Infos zum Buch:

„Working On a Dream: The Progressive Political Vision of Bruce Springsteen“ by David Masciotra
For almost four decades, Bruce Springsteen’s music has directly inspired, influenced, and uplifted millions of devoted fans, who hold a special place in their hearts and minds for his work. Springsteen’s rise to the top of American music coincided with the triumph of American conservatism, and the veneration of marketplace values above democratic principles and humanistic priorities. Springsteen has consistently summoned his creative power and artistic vision to indict these political developments and demand the cultivation of a more compassionate and progressive society. And yet his often harsh critique of the status quo and radical ideas for reform have either been ignored or misunderstood, as a result of his “All American” image and his narrative storytelling style.
On nearly every major issue—poverty, racism, urban decay, war, and peace— Springsteen’s music has offered a unique vision for moving forward with the agenda of creating the “country we carry in our hearts”—as he called it in an op-ed for the New York Times. Filled with provocative analysis of Springsteen’s best known hits and his most obscure songs, comparisons to other important works of American culture—ranging from The Sopranos to Edward Hopper—and a wealth of information about the last fifty years of American politics, culture, and society, Working On a Dream is a powerful and engaging study of this songwriter and performer’s art.
David Masciotra shows how Springsteen’s music darkly comments on the increased isolation of Americans, and calls for a return to community living and values, based on compassion, empathy, and tolerance. He illustrates how Springsteen has forced listeners to wrestle with the facts of rising poverty rates in the world’s richest nation, of wars with questionable justification, and of the continued mistreatment of racial minorities, arguing that Springsteen does this by emphasizing the suffering that everyday people – usually ignored in mainline political discussions – endure on a daily basis.
By using Springsteen’s life and music to shine a light on the dark recesses of America’s most important political and social trials and conflicts— race, religion, and working class hardship—Working on a Dream connects readers with the power, purpose, and promise of Springsteen’s extraordinary and enduring music.

Taschenbuch: 288 Seiten
Verlag: Continuum (12. März 2010)
Sprache: Englisch


Das Buch kann auf amazon.de bzw. im StonePony.de Fanshop vorbestellt werden.
