Apr 18 2008

Danny Federici verstorben

Danny Federici

Danny Federici, Gründungsmitglied von Bruce Springsteens legendärer E-Street Band, ist am Donnerstag Abend im Alter von 58 Jahren an Hautkrebs verstorben. Wegen seiner vor drei Jahren diagnostizierten Krebserkrankung hatte er im vergangenen November seinen vorläufigen Rücktritt aus Bruce Springsteens E-Street Band bekannt gegeben.

Bruce Springsteen veröffentlichte auf seiner Homepage folgenden Nachruf:

„Danny and I worked together for 40 years – he was the most wonderfully fluid keyboard player and a pure natural musician. I loved him very much…we grew up together.“
—Bruce Springsteen

Danny Federici, for 40 years the E Street Band’s organist and keyboard player, died this afternoon, April 17, 2008 at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City after a three year battle with melanoma.

The Federici family and the E Street family request that, in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the Danny Federici Melanoma Fund. A web site for the Fund is being established and we’ll post its link when it is on line.

Bruce Springsteen’s concerts scheduled for Friday in Ft. Lauderdale and Saturday in Orlando performance are being postponed. Replacement dates will be announced shortly.

Auf Southside Johnny Homepage war folgendes zu lesen:

So we lose another friend… I have known Danny since he started playing at the Stone Pony back in the late 60s. He was always a crusty guy with a sarcastic sense of humor, so, of course, we got along just fine. I can recall many nights jamming on blues and rock & roll classics, then he and I,Garry, and whomever else was on stage would shift into some jazz standard or improvise on a chord progression. He was a much more advanced musician than most of us at the time, and he raised the bar for all of us. It was embarrassing to hear how good he already was and to listen to your own pitiful efforts. And, yes, for all you REAL early fans out there, Danny was the one who pushed the speaker cabinets over onto the chief of police who was behind the stage trying to cut the power on a Steel Mill concert. There were arrest warrants, so he always denied it, but I was back there and saw him get up and do it. No one was hurt, but it helped keep the show going. Good on ya, Danny. Rest easy.

Mittlerweile wurde auch der „Danny Federici Melanoma Fund“ ins Leben gerufen.
Mehr Infos gibts hier: http://www.thedannyfedericimelanomafund.com/

Weitere Berichte:


Mrz 21 2008

Setlist: 20. März – Indianapolis, IN – Canseco Center

Bruce Springsteen Live in Concert

20. März – Indianapolis, IN – Canseco Center

Radio Nowhere
Lonesome Day
Prove It All Night
Gypsy Biker
Reason to Believe
Because the Night
She’s the One
Livin‘ in the Future
The Promised Land
Spirit in the Night
Devil’s Arcade
The Rising
Last to Die
Long Walk Home
Kitty’s Back
Born to Run
Dancing in the Dark
American Land

Danny Federici war auch wieder mit von der Partie. Nach „Livin‘ in the Future“ sagte Bruce „Danny Federici is with us!“ und holte das „Phantom“ auf die Bühne.

E Street Band keyboardist Danny Federici treated Indianapolis fans to a special appearance at Conseco Fieldhouse on March 20th. Danny has been working on his medical recovery full time, and this was the first of what everyone hopes will be many future appearances on the tour. Here, from the Indie show, is an excerpt from one of Danny’s signature accordion performances on the rarely-played Sandy. Das Video findet man auf http://www.brucespringsteen.net

Mehr Infos, Berichte und Fotos findet ihr im Tourtagebuch.

Das nächste Konzert: 22. März 2008 – Cincinnati, OH – U.S. Bank Arena
